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Figure 5 | Vascular Cell

Figure 5

From: Two distinct types of the inhibition of vasculogenesis by different species of charged particles

Figure 5

Rescue of motile tips in endothelial cultures 2h post irradiation with high-energy protons and Fe ions. HBMEC were allowed to begin vessel development for 24 hours. Cultures were then treated with PMA 15 minutes before irradiation. After 2 hours, cultures were fixed and stained for microtubules (green) and actin (red). In the extending cellular processes of control cultures A, F-actin was localized more closely to the microtubules and also present as filopodia (arrowhead). Microtubules were bundled (arrow). In the extending cellular processes of cultures irradiated with 1 Gy protons B, actin filaments showed fewer motile structures such as filopodia and a tendency to have spread away from the microtubules (arrowhead). microtubules were unbundled (arrow). Cultures treated with 1Gy Fe ions C resembled control cultures with bundled microtubules (arrow). D In the extending cellular processes of cultures treated with 1 Gy protons in the presence of 30 nM PMA, microtubules were bundled (arrow) PMA restored the motile tip morphology. Bar = 25 μm. E. Quantitation of motile tips under all conditions (Materials and Methods). PMA rescues motile tips formation inhibited by protons. Motile tips are not inhibited by Fe ions.

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